Signup for Manitoumi Minute

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Worker Program

Volunteer Worker Data Sheet (Click Here)

Camp Manitoumi first opened its doors to campers in 1957; but before Camp could open as a service outreach of the IL-MO conference of the GARBC, it had to be built.  The camp was built by volunteer labor, largely by service veterans, farm raised and working class laymen, by pastors who were often builders by necessity, and by folks who developed skills in the trades and by the way they were brought up to respond to the challenges of Depression and war.  The first builders of the camp controlled costs by doing the work themselves and by simplifying the design and the materials.  They came from across the region and from all walks of life; but they had 2 things in common:  they served Christ with a vision and a purpose, and they owned the camp by rolling up their sleeves.

The Facilities Committee would like to create a database of skilled, semi-skilled, and just plain willing volunteers to help take on new projects and to maintain our aging facilities. We need to build and maintain a list of volunteers willing to respond to calls for help from the Maintenance Director and the Facilities Committee on an occasional basis.

This will help the Maintenance Director match up the names of willing volunteers with specific skill sets (such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters) to be able to plan and execute certain jobs at a particular time. Along side of the need for willing workers, the Facilities and Executive Committees also could benefit from having a list of technical consultants such as project management, design, finance, and data to help with building projects and long range planning. This list is not meant to function as a second governing board or bureaucracy, but would provide “burst” help for specific needs. Even someone willing to help with mundane tasks such as cutting the grass or clearing brush from the trails is useful.

Would you fill out the form below and let us know of your willingness to volunteer at Camp Manitoumi.

Volunteer Worker Data Sheet (Click Here)